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José Manuel González Pacheco

José Manuel González Pacheco

Chief Operations Manager
Secuoya Studios

José Manuel González Pacheco joined Secuoya Content Group as Chief Operations Manager in January 2021. A specialist in the digital transformation of audiovisual media and renowned figure in the creation of new digital content distribution models, at the outset of his career he worked as a media and technology business consultant for ‘Big Four’, working specifically with the firms Arthur Andersen and Deloitte. He later joined Antena 3 as strategic director, where he participated in the design of strategies for organic development and purchasing operations, fusion and corporate diversification.

Leap to digital audiovisual content

In March 2010, González Pacheco was appointed managing director of Atresmedia Digital, where for seven years he was head of digital content, platforms and monetization of Grupo Atresmedia. During this period he helped set up and develop platforms like Atresplayer and Flooxer, as well as taking over the business of digital properties and social networks relating to the group’s media and activities. Since 2017 he has helped found and manage digital content production companies for brands and in the business development of programmatic advertising startups for OTT. Before joining Secuoya, he held the post of chief operations manager at the audiovisual production company Mediacrest Entertainment.