Jaja Show is an original successful franchise of comedy shows that includes numerous editions and versions that all share the use of hilarious home videos as a basic premise. Hosted by Chim and Paula, and with the participation of the jajers, the studio audience, Jaja Show gets the audience laughing in all its formats: Jaja Show, the daily programme; Jaja Show: Super LOL, the prime time game show version; Jaja Lab, the science specials; Jaja Show: Hora de pringue, the weekend competition; Jaja Show: Pringue en peligro, the Star Wars specials, or Japp Japp Show, with exclusively digital content.
Jaja Comedy Show
Genre |
Comedy |
Year |
2016-2020 |
Aired on |
Disney Channel |
Seasons |
11 |
Episodes |
227 |
Length |
20’ |